22 04, 2024

Here’s Why You Need to Go Over and Hunt Africa

2024-04-22T09:23:04-04:00April 22nd, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, sportsman channel, trijicon|1 Comment

First read this blog that I wrote and published 20 years ago: I was talking with a colleague the other day and he asked, “So Hanback, when’s your next trip over my man?” “Over where?” “To Africa man!” he roared. I explained that I had never been to Africa, and had never really wanted to go all that much. He looked at me like I was the village idiot. “Ah, there is nothing like it,” he opined, a touch of British high-brow creeping into his Yankee voice. “I was bitten by the bug several years ago and I hardly want to hunt anywhere else.” I was talking with another man who went over and shot his first elephant. With his [...]

11 03, 2024

Deer Hunt Tip: Keep Your Grunt Call Handy

2024-03-11T12:44:52-04:00March 11th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Deer Hunt Tip: Keep Your Grunt Call Handy

The heavy 8-pointer popped out onto the levee road 350 yards away, heading for a dry canal where he would be out sight in seconds. I pulled out my call and cut loose a barrage of loud, aggressive grunts. To my surprise and delight, the buck stopped, looked and began marching my way, the hair up and bristling on his neck. It was the tail-end of the rut, but this bully was still looking to mix it up. I kept calling intermittently and he keep looking and walking. A couple of times he paused and turned his head as if losing interest. I grunted harder, and by gosh it worked. The old Mississippi warrior marched to within 120 yards, and [...]

23 01, 2024

How to Store Your Rifles

2024-01-23T12:07:53-05:00January 23rd, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Guns & Loads, sportsman channel, trijicon|Comments Off on How to Store Your Rifles

After a thorough bore cleaning, wipe down the action, trigger guard, scope, barrel and all exterior metalwork of a rifle with a light coat of gun oil. When I plan to store a rifle for 2 months or more, I run one last patch dabbed with a light coat of oil into the bore to prevent rust. To further avoid rust, firearms should be stored in an environment that stays around 70 degrees F year-round with humidity of 50 to 55 percent. It is best to lock all your guns and ammunition in a gun safe. If you don't have a safe, at the very least secure firearms and ammo in a closet or room that you lock tight. Be [...]

21 08, 2023

Pre-Season Hunting Rifle Check

2023-08-17T10:34:39-04:00August 21st, 2023|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Guns & Loads, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Pre-Season Hunting Rifle Check

Just got back from the range and checking these 2 rigs that I’ll hunt with this fall as we film Big Deer TV Season 13 on Sportsman Channel: CZ-USA Model 600 Alpha bolt-action rifle in 6.5 PRC topped with Trijicon Accupoint 4X-16X scope, and CZ 600 in .30-06 topped w/Trijicon 3X-9X Huron. Here are 4 observations and tips I have from that range session. The 6.5 PRC rifle was dead-on last January in Texas, where I killed a nice buck and a huge boar hog with one bullet each. My first shot at the range today was 4 inches high and 3 inches left. I was not shocked. I traveled 2,000 miles back home with the rifle. That might or [...]

24 04, 2023

Louisiana’s “Blue Deer”

2023-04-24T08:12:23-04:00April 24th, 2023|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Hunting, Deer Science, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Louisiana’s “Blue Deer”

Before Louisiana was colonized by the French in 1803, the area's whitetail population was about 400,000. As the 19th century wore on, market hunting and the damaging effects of large-scale timber cutting reduced the herds. Hunting laws and bag limits were too liberal or not enforced, and deer numbers fell dramatically. During the early 1900s, Louisiana’s deer population had dropped to about 20,000 animals. But during the tough times, some does and bucks survived in the deep swamps and thickets. As deforested habitats grew into second-growth timber, the whitetail population began to recover. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries began managing the herds in the late 1940s. Officials set seasons and bag limits. By the early 1950s, managers had [...]

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