9 10, 2024

Tarsal Scent for Deer Hunting 

2024-10-09T14:48:06-04:00October 9th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Rut, whitetail deer|2 Comments

One morning in early November, I smoked an 8-pointer with my muzzleloader and got on the blood trail. I could smell his rankness as I tracked, and when I found him a short way ahead, I covered my nose with my sleeve and thought, Man, you stink. The deer’s hocks were wet and black as motor oil. I rolled him over, held my breath and started gutting. Leaves popped. I peeked up and saw 10-pointer bearing down, head and rack held low, hair bristling on his neck. I crouched low behind the dead deer. A rut-crazed buck is unpredictable. I figured staying put rather than trying to wave him off was best. The intruder sidled to within 15 yards, popping [...]

1 10, 2024

3 Tree-Stand Mistakes to Fix This Season

2024-10-01T08:57:27-04:00October 1st, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, whitetail deer|Comments Off on 3 Tree-Stand Mistakes to Fix This Season

#1Your Approach Sucks You haphazardly lug a tree stand and steps on the way in to a stand site, heavy metal clanking every step of the way. You lumber along and crack sticks. You bull through a patch of cover and jump as a deer boils out of there and runs off. Even a moderate amount of human intrusion can and will cause a mature buck to change his pattern. By the time you finally hang your set and start hunting, a big deer might have moved over to the next ridge to travel or bed. The Fix: Batten down a stand, steps, tools and all your gear in a tight backpack so you don’t make a clink on the [...]

16 09, 2024

How to Get a Big Buck w/Your Bow on Public Land

2024-09-16T12:38:36-04:00September 16th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, whitetail deer|Comments Off on How to Get a Big Buck w/Your Bow on Public Land

When Nick Whitney, who is active duty with the Air Force military police, was transferred to eastern Nebraska a few years ago, he began to research local public hunting spots. Since Nick is an ardent bowhunter, a state area near his new base that permits only archery and muzzleloaders was a good place to start. Nick hunted there awhile and encountered a few small bucks and some other people. Then he was deployed to Afghanistan and couldn’t hunt for a year. Upon returning home, he was determined to make 2017 his year. “I decided to go for it and hike as deep on the 3,000 acres as I could,” said Nick. He started scouting in late summer, making the 90-minute [...]

8 09, 2024

Deer Science: Bucks Change Bedding Sites Every 6 to 10 Hours

2024-09-08T12:02:06-04:00September 8th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Science, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Deer Science: Bucks Change Bedding Sites Every 6 to 10 Hours

In a recent study, Understanding Buck Movement, scientists at the vaunted Mississippi State Deer Lab found that each day during hunting season, mature bucks use many different resting and bedding areas rather than one major sanctuary. The MSU researchers tracked GPS-collared adult bucks and found out that they visit and revisit different “focal areas” within a property with varying levels of regularity throughout hunting season. While the biologists could not determine exactly why the bucks frequented these areas, they believe that, based on slow and concentrated movement data emitted from the tracking collars, that the bucks were most likely bedding and resting in one spot before getting up and moving to another focal area. Nearly all the adult bucks in [...]

2 09, 2024

18 Hunting Questions Answered

2024-09-02T14:32:47-04:00September 2nd, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|Comments Off on 18 Hunting Questions Answered

I've answered thousands of questions from people who read my articles and blog over the years, here's a random sampling" What are pheromones? Pheromones are chemical substances in the urine and glandular secretions of deer. They serve as stimuli to other deer for behavioral responses. Many biologists believe that pheromones emitted by does trigger the peak of the rut and throw bucks into major breeding mode. I’ve got one buck tag and 2 days left to hunt. What is my best tactic? First, find what deer are eating right now. A patch of standing corn or a pocket of late-falling acorns is nirvana. And re-check a harvested grain field or food plot where you hunted early in season. Even though [...]

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