15 01, 2025

Is Old Ammunition Safe to Shoot?

2025-01-15T10:23:22-05:00January 15th, 2025|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Hornady, Shed Hunting|0 Comments

Can you shoot a deer with 5--year-old cartridges? Or 10 years old, or 20 years? Is old ammunition safe? Generally, yes. If factory cartridges are stored in a dry, cool place with low humidity, preferably in an airtight container, they can have an amazingly long shelf life. Many ballistics experts that have shot tens of thousands of rounds over the years report shooting 20- to 50-year-old ammo with no problems. Notice I said factory ammunition from the likes of Federal, Hornady and Remington, which is manufactured using premium components and exacting specifications that extend the shelf life of cartridges. I do not advise shooting old reloads. If you can’t find new ammo and need to hunt with rounds you have [...]

3 01, 2025

Here’s How to Store Your Gear After Hunting Season

2025-01-03T08:45:06-05:00January 3rd, 2025|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Hornady, Hunting News, Shed Hunting, trijicon|0 Comments

I've taken a little time off to recuperate from a tough deer season and to enjoy the holidays with family. Now back at f0r 2025.--MH After the last deer hunt of the season in December or January, many of you toss your clothes, pack and other stuff in a heap in a backroom and don’t think twice about it for another seven or eight months, until it’s time to scout and bow hunt again. I used to do that too, but I’m more organized now. This week I’m spreading out my gear on the basement floor, and giving it a good once over while last season’s hunts are still fresh in my mind. Out with the Old Did you like [...]

14 10, 2024

Hornady CX Copper Bullet for California Hunting

2024-10-16T11:24:43-04:00October 14th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Hornady, sportsman channel|Comments Off on Hornady CX Copper Bullet for California Hunting

Years ago, fearing that lead in the environment was leading to the demise of the California Condor and other birds and wildlife, California began a slow move to ban all lead ammunition in the state. Then in October 2013, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that instructed the California Game Commission to phase in the ban on all lead ammunition no later than July 1, 2019. Today, non-lead bullets and shot are required when hunting any wildlife anywhere in California. I was in the beautiful Central Coast wine country of Cali last week, hunting for blacktail deer. I chose Hornady’s Outfitter load with the 130-grain CX copper alloy bullet. My rifle and load shot great at the range—1.5 inches high at [...]

21 01, 2024

Here’s What You Need to Clean Your Rifle

2024-01-21T10:56:40-05:00January 21st, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Hornady, sportsman channel, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Here’s What You Need to Clean Your Rifle

Hunting season is over, and now is the time to give your rifle a thorough cleaning. Gun-Cleaning Gear To do the job right, you need to secure your rifle horizontally in a vise. A vise attached to a workbench at your house will work fine. Or you can purchase a portable gun vise from company that specializes in firearms-cleaning accessories. Spend $40 or more for a universal gun-cleaning kit, which will include a three-piece bore rod and an assortment of jags, brushes, patches and other accessories for cleaning not only your bolt-action, but also other handguns and long guns that you own. Also, and this is important, purchase a bore guide, which will protect the bore and action of your [...]

24 08, 2023

Rifle Deer: What’s Better, the Shoulder or Lung Shot?

2023-08-17T10:53:24-04:00August 24th, 2023|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, Hornady, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Rifle Deer: What’s Better, the Shoulder or Lung Shot?

Mike: I was just curious, where do you aim on a deer when you are hunting with a gun? I have had terrific success with the shoulder shot versus the standard behind-the-shoulder shot. The recovery rates and distances that deer run, margin of error and terminal performance are all superior when I use this aiming point. I think others could benefit if they changed where they shoot a buck and go for more shoulder. Thanks, Kenny from VA. Kenny: I have shot a bunch of bucks through the shoulders and agree that it is a tremendous shot. When you’re on target, you not only take out both shoulders but also get the front of the lungs and shock the heart. [...]

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