16 08, 2024

5 Things to Remember for Hunting Early Bow Whitetails

2024-08-16T14:10:14-04:00August 16th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|Comments Off on 5 Things to Remember for Hunting Early Bow Whitetails

Throughout August, you scout and glass a couple of small bucks, a decent 8-pointer and a shooter 10 coming to a bean field like clockwork in the evenings. Will those bucks, and especially the 10-point, be around when bow season opens in a month or so?   That bachelor’s club will start to break up in mid-September, but a few of the bucks may still run together into October. In what is known as the “fall shuffle,” some of the bucks will shift a mile or more to winter range while some of them—maybe that big 10--will stay right there, close to where you’re spotting them now. Keep glassing the fields and edges, and hang a tree stand or 2 [...]

12 08, 2024

Should You Bowhunt Whitetails in the Morning in September?

2024-08-12T09:56:08-04:00August 12th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Should You Bowhunt Whitetails in the Morning in September?

For those of you who are getting ready to bowhunt whitetails in September... In my travels over many years, I have run into quite a few bowhunters who do not and will not hunt the mornings during an archery season that opens in September. Their thinking is actually pretty sound. First, it’s less risky and easiest to hang and access tree stands near crop fields and plots in the afternoons. In morning darkness, it’s tough to sneak back to stands near a bedding area without bumping deer that are already home and tucked in after a night of feeding. Why risk spooking a buck in the predawn when your odds are better of seeing him and getting a shot in [...]

9 08, 2024

Bowhunters, Train Your Brain!

2024-08-09T09:35:48-04:00August 9th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Bowhunters, Train Your Brain!

I’ve been shooting a bow for 50 years—started out with a recurve and traded up to a compound like most people do--so I’ve got the physical technique of drawing, aiming and shooting an arrow down pat. Now it’s all in my head. No doubt in my mind, if you hunt with a bow that is well-tuned you can will an arrow in and through a deer’s vitals if you train your brain to do it. The trouble is, most hunters are too busy worrying about their shooting form or fiddling with a fancy new rest, sight or other piece of gear. They forget about the mental part, and that is a mistake. You can have the best-tuned $1,200 bow, arrows [...]

5 08, 2024

BIG DEER Classic: Manitoba 200-Inch Velvet Bow Giant!

2024-07-30T14:58:03-04:00August 5th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|Comments Off on BIG DEER Classic: Manitoba 200-Inch Velvet Bow Giant!

I first wrote about this giant way back in 2008, and thought I’d post it again to get you fired up for early bow season. Colin (who would be 32 today) if you see this shoot me an email!--MH After supper on August 29, 2007 Colin Bourrier, who had just turned 15, dressed in unscented hunting clothes and pulled a scent-blocking suit over them. He reminded his younger brothers to keep the noise down and especially not to rip and ride the trails on their dirt bikes because he and Pete were going hunting out back. He packed up his bow and arrows and other gear and headed for the tree stand he and his dad had set. They only [...]

1 08, 2024

3 Best Scouting Hacks for Big Velvet Bucks

2024-07-30T14:43:40-04:00August 1st, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|Comments Off on 3 Best Scouting Hacks for Big Velvet Bucks

The buck of your dreams is out there somewhere, fat and happy and lounging in the heat, his furry antlers still growing. Now is time to start laying the groundwork to find him and then hunt him in 2 or 3 months, when his rack will be polished and tall, wide and handsome. Look On these sultry August evenings, drive out to your hunting spot an hour before dusk and glass fields of soybeans, alfalfa or clover from a good distance away. No crops or plots on your land? No worries. On my best Virginia farm, I glass bucks in pastures that haven’t been planted for years. After those fields are hayed in late summer, deer visit them to feed on [...]

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