4 03, 2024

Deer Hunting Fact: Buck Movement is Wildly Unpredictable

2024-03-05T08:51:07-05:00March 4th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Deer Hunting Fact: Buck Movement is Wildly Unpredictable

The bowhunting weather here in Virginia was excellent last October. Multiple days of cool, clear, high-pressure skies made for enjoyable sits morning and afternoon. Conditions were perfect, and spirits were high in pour camp. Around the 20th, we figured bucks would start scraping and prowling in the pre-rut any day now. I hunted every day for two weeks and never saw a shooter. I headed out to western Nebraska for rifle season. First evening, I glassed 40 deer coming to a milo field, the only major food source within two miles. Next afternoon from the same stand, with the same warm weather and west wind, I saw only 4 does. But then I shot a 6-year-old 10-pointer at sundown!   [...]

26 02, 2024

How Do You Act When You Shoot a Buck?

2024-02-26T10:34:36-05:00February 26th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on How Do You Act When You Shoot a Buck?

I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game pursued. —Fred Bear I am no Fred Bear, don’t claim to be. When it comes to bowhunting, I couldn’t carry the man’s jockstrap. But for the last 40 years, I have unabashedly hunted and killed deer according to Fred’s mantra. I suppose that is why I get uncomfortable and feel a bit ashamed when I witness an episode like this, either in person in the woods or on YouTube or TV: A fellow shoots a buck and watches it topple over. Grinning, he raises his arms high into the air, balls his fists and starts hollering, “He’s down, he’s down, hell yeah, he’s down!” This is sometimes accompanied with [...]

23 01, 2024

How to Store Your Rifles

2024-01-23T12:07:53-05:00January 23rd, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Guns & Loads, sportsman channel, trijicon|Comments Off on How to Store Your Rifles

After a thorough bore cleaning, wipe down the action, trigger guard, scope, barrel and all exterior metalwork of a rifle with a light coat of gun oil. When I plan to store a rifle for 2 months or more, I run one last patch dabbed with a light coat of oil into the bore to prevent rust. To further avoid rust, firearms should be stored in an environment that stays around 70 degrees F year-round with humidity of 50 to 55 percent. It is best to lock all your guns and ammunition in a gun safe. If you don't have a safe, at the very least secure firearms and ammo in a closet or room that you lock tight. Be [...]

9 01, 2024

Best Scope for AR Hunting Rifle

2024-01-09T11:10:52-05:00January 9th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads, trijicon|Comments Off on Best Scope for AR Hunting Rifle

Mike: What scope do you recommend for an AR rifle in .308? I’ll be hunting in south Alabama. --Sami Sami: I recommend the Trijicon Credo HX 1-8x28, which is Trijicon’s most popular scope for an AR rifle. True 1X wide field of view for close shots, and up to 8X for longer shots at a buck when needed. I set this scope to 6X for all-round hunting; at this magnification it works perfectly in 95% of hunting situations. Some specs on the Credo HX 1-8: best multi-coated, anti-reflective glass, 34mm tube, and 28mm objective lens for more exit pupil and low light performance; this scope features dual red/green illuminated reticles for pinpoint aiming at deer in any condition or environment. [...]

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