8 12, 2022

Big Deer TV Road Trip 2022

2022-12-08T13:41:39-05:00December 8th, 2022|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Big Deer TV Road Trip 2022

Right now we're in the middle of a 3-week road trip filming for Season 12 of Big Deer TV on Sportsman Channel. I wanted to share a few photos with this update: I kicked things off in northwestern Oklahoma by shooting this beautiful 10-pointer (4.5 years old) with thick antler bases. He was pushing does all over the place and I finally stopped him with a loud eck and killed him with one 150-grain Hornady SST bullet. Rifle is the great new CZ model 600, mine in old-school .30-06, topped with the great Trijicon Huron 3X-9X by 40mm scope.             Next up was my friend John Trull of Trijicon, who for several days hunted a [...]

19 10, 2022

How To Buy Your First Deer Rifle

2022-10-19T09:19:41-04:00October 19th, 2022|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on How To Buy Your First Deer Rifle

Been getting a lot of questions from new 20- to 40-somethings who want to try deer hunting, but don't know where to start. First thing you need is a good rifle, scope and ammo. While bowhunting looks cool and it is, I encourage you to start out with a gun, shoot a few deer, get some experience and then graduate to archery.--MH For a lot less money than many of you pay in rent each month, you can buy a brand-new, highly dependable and accurate rifle that will kill a deer cleanly one day this November—and one day 50 years from now. Do your research and choose wisely, and you can purchase the first and last deer rifle you’ll ever [...]

12 09, 2022

2022 NSSF Congressional Report Card On Guns, 2nd Amendment

2022-09-08T11:42:05-04:00September 12th, 2022|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Guns & Loads, sportsman channel, trijicon|Comments Off on 2022 NSSF Congressional Report Card On Guns, 2nd Amendment

NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, released its 2022 Congressional Report Card, grading all 430 sitting U.S. Representatives and 100 U.S. Senators on key legislation that is of critical importance to the firearm industry, Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and America’s hunters and target shooters. “This scorecard is of vital importance to voters as we head into November elections. This tells voters exactly where their lawmakers stand on issues they care about like recreational shooting and hunting and the right to keep and bear arms,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “This nonpartisan scorecard reflects the voting record of each legislator. These grades indicate their public voting record as well as their sponsoring and co-sponsoring key [...]

28 07, 2022

How To Process And Cook Wild Hog Meat

2022-07-28T14:59:00-04:00July 28th, 2022|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, sportsman channel, trijicon|Comments Off on How To Process And Cook Wild Hog Meat

One look at this ugly creature and you mighty say, “No way I’m eating that nasty thing!” I used to be that way too, but the more I’ve hunted feral hogs in the last few years, the more wild pork I’ve begrudgingly eaten. The key to safe and tasty hog meat begins just after the kill shot. The best (some would say only) hogs to process for the table are small to small/medium animals. “A piglet about the size of a football is my favorite,” says my buddy Sarge, a Texas wildlife biologist and hog hunter. “I’ll process and eat hogs that are 3 times the size of a football, but that’s about my limit. The little ones are most [...]

29 06, 2022

BIG DEER TV: Indiana Road Trip

2022-06-28T15:10:59-04:00June 29th, 2022|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CZ-USA, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|Comments Off on BIG DEER TV: Indiana Road Trip

I knew Indiana produced some giant whitetails every season. But when I read that the Hoosier State was Number 1 for Boone and Crockett racks in 2019 and 2020 (2021 stats not out yet) I had to go out there and ride around and talk to guys about the giant deer they’ve shot in recent years. So last week the BIG DEER TV crew and I set out on a big-buck road trip. First stop southern Indiana to see Sam Tolbert and the 202” drop tine buck he shot on his family’s farm. Then over to see Cole and Clay Holmstrom, brothers who own a landscaping business together, and in their spare time farm their land together for big deer. [...]

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