About Clay Hanback

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So far Clay Hanback has created 569 blog entries.
23 10, 2019

Breaking: Giant 2019 Bow Buck Could Be New Oklahoma Record

2020-06-10T09:14:52-04:00October 23rd, 2019|Big Deer Stories, Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, whitetail deer|2 Comments

This photo is bombing around social media, for obvious reasons. The Sportsman Channel's Twitter reads: Absolute giant taken down in Oklahoma, possible new typical state record. Could this be close to the World Record?  A beautiful and amazing typical that I believe will net 200. State record? Likely. Eclipse the Hanson Buck, which has held the top typical spot for more than 2 decades? I have seen and put my hands on Milo's deer, and I don't believe this Oklahoma deer will top it, but... If anybody knows the hunter and has more details, let me know. I'll be in Oklahoma in early December and would love to interview him and feature that amazing rack on Big Deer TV. I'll [...]

22 10, 2019

CWD News: Hunters Can Use Bleach To Decontaminate Knives

2020-06-10T09:14:52-04:00October 22nd, 2019|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CWD, Deer Hunting, Deer Science, whitetail deer|Comments Off on CWD News: Hunters Can Use Bleach To Decontaminate Knives

Finally, some good news on the nasty topic of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). According to a new study by National Institutes of Health, a 5-minute soak in a 40% solution of household bleach decontaminated stainless steel wires coated with CWD prions. The scientists used the wires to model knives and saws that hunters and meat processors use when handling deer and elk, the meat of which could be infected with CWD prions. The researchers dissected CWD-infected brains from whitetails and mule deer. They tested various bleach concentrations and soak times to determine the most effective combination to eliminate CWD prions. While the study found that a 40% solution of household bleach can purify stainless steel, it failed to find an [...]

21 10, 2019

How To Hunt Deer When The Corn Gets Cut

2020-06-10T09:14:52-04:00October 21st, 2019|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, whitetail deer|1 Comment

Look at the first trail camera image, a lot of bucks including this giant drop tine had been walking the chute between the standing corn and the hedgerow for a month. Image 2 shows the corn recently cut, and since then no deer have shown up on camera. It's like this all over the country in October, fields of standing corn are being cut, so how do you adjust? The days after a farmer cuts the crops can be awesome for hunting. The sudden change in habitat forces deer to move around a lot as they settle into new bed-to-feed patterns. The animals will seek out alternative food sources (most often acorns and browse) and especially new bedding/travel cover in [...]

18 10, 2019

Welcome To The New Big Deer!

2020-06-10T09:14:52-04:00October 18th, 2019|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting|2 Comments

We hope you like our new, clean, mobile friendly website! Tell me what you think! It is easier than ever to read the blog or shoot me a question on your phone from your tree stand or blind. If you shoot a big deer, go to Contact Us, snap a picture, write a few lines and let me know what went down. In the future we'll be adding more features, possibly a new Rut Report, Forum, maybe even a podcast. Let me know what you'd like to see. Since I created Big Deer back in 2008 (has it really been 12 years?) this is the third redesign, and the best. My tagline has always been "America's Best Deer Blog" and [...]

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